

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Reasons for Abnormal Governor of Diesel Generator Set


The interior of a diesel generator set is actually a very complex equipment. The diesel engine, as the power source, brings enough kinetic energy to the generator. The motor converts kinetic energy into electrical energy for our normal use. The quality of the diesel engine determines the direct quality of the generator set, and the quality of the motor determines the lighting conversion rate of the generator set.

Every diesel generator set is equipped with a speed controller, which is particularly important for both mechanical and electronic speed regulation. When the load of a diesel engine changes, the speed change increases. To be clear, when the load of the generator set decreases, the speed increases. The increase in speed leads to an increase in the circulating oil supply of the plunger pump, and the increase in circulating oil supply leads to a further increase in speed. This continuously vicious cycle causes the engine speed to become higher and higher. By using this speed controller, we can change this situation. If the diesel generator is assembled with the corresponding speed controller, this type of fault will not occur.

What is the reason for the unstable phenomenon when a speed controller is installed? Is the quality of the generator set purchased not up to standard? Of course not, the reason for instability may be that there is too little oil, and a low oil level can allow air to enter the oil. The inspection method is to fill it with oil, reach the oil level specified by the cursor, and check the oil seal, especially the oil seal of the drive shaft. Check again if the components of the governor are worn out and perform a comprehensive price difference check. The working oil pressure is too low, which will affect the governor and make it unable to operate normally.

For the phenomenon of unstable speed regulation of the generator set, what we need to do is to do a good job of inspection, and then find a professional diesel generator set manufacturer to do maintenance work. Additionally, it is important to note that in addition to proper inspection, maintenance is also essential when using the generator set.

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