

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What are the operating procedures for diesel generator sets at different ambient temperatures?


In areas with high ambient temperatures and high air humidity, it can make it difficult for the motors and appliances of diesel generator sets to dissipate heat, leading to an increase in internal temperature and accelerating the aging of insulation materials. At the same time, it can also make the insulation materials damp and mold, leading to a decrease in insulation resistance and deterioration of electrical performance, all of which can reduce the service life of motors and appliances.

In addition, it also has some adverse effects on other parts of the unit, such as high water and oil temperatures of the diesel engine, as well as severe rusting and corrosion of metal structural components. Therefore, for units used in high temperature and humidity areas, in addition to considering the "wet heat zone type" (usually represented by the product special environmental code TH) for metal structural components and paint, and taking necessary anti-corrosion measures, special attention should also be paid to ventilation and heat dissipation, as well as strengthening the inspection of insulation resistance.

In low-temperature environments, especially when the temperature is below -20 ℃, the fuel and lubricating oil of the unit thicken, viscosity increases, cooling water freezes, and the capacity of general batteries decreases, leading to difficulties in starting and working. At the same time, wires and other structural materials also become hard and brittle, reducing service life. Therefore, necessary measures for anti freezing, preheating, and insulation must be taken during winter work.

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