

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

How to identify whether a diesel generator is a refurbished engine?


With the continuous development of industrial society, the demand for diesel generator sets will continue to increase, so the demand for generator set shopping malls will also increase. The demand for equipment will be considerable, and the shopping mall space will be a big leap. Some businesses choose to refurbish machines for their own benefit and then sell them to consumers. Some customers find many problems with the generators they buy when they start up, and the quality is not as good as that of real second-hand imported generators. Why does this happen? Next, Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. will help you identify whether the diesel generator is a refurbished machine:

1、 Paint on the machine: This can visually indicate whether the machine is a refurbished machine or a secondary spray painting; In general, the original paint on the machine is relatively uniform and there is no oil flow phenomenon.

2、 Labels: Generally, machine labels that have not been refurbished are stuck in place at once, and the edges and corners of the labels are not lifted, and all labels are not covered with paint.

3、 Line pipe, water tank cover, and oil cover: When assembling the generator set, the control line pipe is usually assembled and tested before being arranged. If there are obvious black oil marks on the oil cover, the engine is suspected of being refurbished. The water tank cover is usually brand new and very clean, and if it is a used machine, the water tank cover will generally have yellow marks.

4、 Engine oil: If all the internal components of a brand new diesel engine are new, the oil will not turn black after several engine starts. If it is a diesel engine that has been used for a period of time, the oil will turn black after a few minutes of starting.

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