

Comprehensive product and energy solutions

Sound reduction engineering plan


1. Sound insulation wall: In order to ensure that the noise in the computer room does not change its frequency (from 500Hz-400Hz to sound waves mainly less than 125Hz) and radiate to the outside world, affecting the normal activities of surrounding people, it is necessary to install sound absorbers on the wall. The sound absorber is 50mm thick rock wool, and the outer wall is made of perforated aluminum buckle plate with a thickness of 0.6mm and a perforation rate of>20% as the wall sound absorbing material.

2. Sound-absorbing ceiling: Due to the three-dimensional radiation of the generator noise and the very small sound absorption coefficient of the ground, it will diffuse sound waves to the ceiling. The ceiling is made of sound-absorbing aluminum buckle plate, with 50mm thick high-quality rock wool as the sound-absorbing material, and perforated aluminum plate with a perforation rate of>20% as the sound-absorbing material for the protective surface, with a sound absorption effect of 10.4Db (A).

3. Silent door: The structure adopts a metal frame, with high-strength soundproof cotton material attached inside and metal iron plate on the outside. The soundproof door and the surrounding metal door frame are sealed with soft sealing rubber tubes.

4. Air intake and silencing chamber: Made of zinc iron orifice plate and sound-absorbing rock wool, it has the characteristics of lightweight structure and elegant appearance. The air enters the room through the air intake silencing room, which can effectively block noise from coming out of the computer room.

5. Exhaust and Silencing Air Room: Made of zinc iron sheet orifice plates and sound-absorbing rock wool, the diesel engine fan forcibly cools the water tank, and the hot air is discharged from the machine room through the exhaust and silencing room. Noise propagates outward from the diversion of the silencing air room.

Through the above five project processes, the unit noise can reach ≤ 60 decibels (excluding original environmental noise) beyond 7 meters, which meets national environmental protection requirements.

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