

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What are the solutions to water leakage in diesel generator sets?


How to solve the problem of water leakage during the use of diesel generator sets?

1. Adhesive patch: If it is a small leakage caused by a rupture of a water tank or water pipe, we can clean the leaking area and apply adhesive patch.

2. Padding: If the joint leaks, we can add thin plastic pads on both sides of the leak proof ring and tighten them firmly.

3. Paint solution: If there is water leakage at the joint, soak the paint solution in alcohol and clean the joint. Apply the paint solution to the joint.

4. Liquid sealing adhesive: If leakage occurs due to solid gaskets, the leaking surface can be cleaned and then liquid sealing adhesive can be applied.

5. Pliers: If the water tank leaks, we can use pliers to flatten the core tube at the leaking point.

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