

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Related methods to easily alleviate the problem of lubricating oil deterioration in diesel generator sets


It should be noted that lubricating oil can effectively reduce the wear and tear between various components of diesel generator sets during operation. However, after a period of use, the lubricating oil deteriorates due to pollution from mechanical impurities and dust from the outside world, waste gas moisture particles produced by fuel combustion, metal chips worn from operating parts, and carbon gum deposits produced by lubrication oxidation polymerization. Users can take the following measures to effectively alleviate the harm caused by lubricating oil deterioration.

Use lubricating oil that meets the requirements. The quality of lubricating oil is closely related to its viscosity, clean dispersibility, and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. The quality of lubricating oil affects whether it is prone to deterioration.

The maintenance of the lubricating oil filter and air filter should be strengthened. Clean the filter on time according to regulations, and shorten the cleaning and oil change time in dusty areas; Regularly inspect the filter element and replace it in a timely manner; The filter element should be flat and secure to avoid increasing gaps, reducing filtration efficiency, and causing deterioration of the lubricating oil.

Check the crankcase ventilation device of the diesel generator set to ensure it is unobstructed. Prevent moisture and carbon dioxide from entering the lubricating oil, forming precipitates and accelerating deterioration. Timely repair the cylinder and piston of the diesel generator set to ensure its normal operation. If the wear of the cylinder is excessive, it will deteriorate the working condition of the engine, causing fuel to leak into the crankcase and accelerating the deterioration of the lubricating oil.

Diesel generator sets should maintain a certain oil temperature, water temperature, and oil pressure during operation. Avoid oxidation or precipitation of lubricating oil. Regularly clean the lubrication system. The lubrication system of diesel generator sets should be regularly cleaned to avoid contamination of lubricating oil and deterioration.

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