

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

What are the methods to remove carbon from the surface area of Cummins generator set components?


The Cummins generator set is sprayed with high-pressure atomized diesel into the combustion chamber. If it cannot be completely burned under high temperature, carbon deposits will form. If these carbon deposits are not removed and instead directly assembled into the Cummins generator set, it will lead to a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the combustion chamber components, poor sealing of the valves and valve seats, piston rings getting stuck in the piston ring grooves, and overheating of the Cummins generator set. At present, there are two methods for removing carbon deposits: mechanical removal and chemical removal.

1. Mechanical removal of carbon deposits on the surface of parts

This method is relatively simple, but the cleaning effect is not ideal, the work efficiency is also relatively low, and it is also prone to damaging the surface of the components. If the carbon layer on the surface of the component is relatively thick or the smoothness requirements on the surface of the component are not strict, wooden tools can be used to remove it. The mechanical cleaning method is suitable for temporary repairs in maintenance sites where the maintenance environment is harsh and the working conditions are not allowed.

2. Chemical method to remove carbon deposits on the surface of parts

Chemical method for removing carbon deposits is to prepare a certain amount of solution using chemical methods, and then immerse the parts with carbon deposits in a container containing the chemical solution, causing the carbon deposits on the surface of the parts to react chemically with the chemical solution and be softened or dissolved. After removal, use wooden tools, brushes or wiping cloths to remove the carbon deposits. The use of chemical methods to remove carbon deposits has high efficiency, good removal effect, and is not easy to damage the surface of components, but the cost is relatively high.

The chemical solution used by the maintenance unit is collectively referred to as decarburization agent. Decarbonization agents can be divided into two types: organic and inorganic. Organic Decarbonization agents have strong decarburization ability and can be used at room temperature. They are non corrosive to non-ferrous metals, but have high cost and high toxicity. They are mainly suitable for the removal of carbon on the surface of precision parts and non-ferrous metals. Inorganic decarbonization agents have low cost and low toxicity, but their effectiveness in removing carbon deposits in the combustion chamber of Cummins generator sets is poor, and they have a certain degree of corrosiveness to non-ferrous metals. They are mainly suitable for removing surface carbon from steel components.

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