

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

How to set up a diesel generator room?


As an emergency power generation equipment, diesel generators have huge usage space, especially in power and communication rooms, they play a crucial role. How to build generator equipment and what precautions to take in the computer room? This article takes you to a detailed understanding.

1、 Site selection of diesel generator room

Considering the intake, exhaust, and exhaust of diesel generator sets, if possible, it is best to set the computer room on the first floor. However, high-rise buildings are expensive, especially the first floor, which is usually used for external business and belongs to the golden zone. Therefore, generator rooms are generally located in the basement. Due to unfavorable access and natural conditions in the basement, a series of unfavorable factors have been brought to the computer room, and attention should be paid to handling them properly in the design. When selecting a location for a computer room, attention should be paid to the following points: it should not be located in rooms without external walls around it, creating conditions for hot air ducts and smoke exhaust ducts to be led out of the room; Try to avoid the main entrance, facade, and other parts of the building as much as possible to avoid the impact of smoke and exhaust on it; Pay attention to the impact of noise on the environment; It is advisable to be close to the substation of the building, which is convenient for wiring, reduces energy loss, and also facilitates operation and management.

2、 Ventilation

The ventilation problem of the diesel generator room is a special issue to be addressed in the design of the room, especially when the room is located in the basement, otherwise it will directly affect the operation of the diesel generator set. The exhaust of the unit should generally be carried out in an organized manner through a hot air duct, and it is not advisable to let the diesel engine radiator dissipate heat in the machine room before being extracted by the exhaust fan. There should be sufficient fresh air supply in the computer room.

When the diesel engine is running, the air exchange rate in the engine room should be equal to or greater than the sum of the new air volume required for diesel engine combustion and the new air volume required to maintain room temperature in the engine room. The amount of fresh air required to maintain the combustion of the diesel engine can be obtained from the unit manufacturer. If there is no information available, it can be calculated based on a braking power requirement of 0.1m/3min per kilowatt.

The ventilation of diesel generator rooms generally adopts the method of setting up hot air ducts for exhaust and natural air intake. The hot air duct is connected to the diesel engine radiator, and a soft joint is used at the connection. The hot air duct should be straight. If turning is required, the turning radius should be as large as possible and the interior should be smooth. The air outlet should be as close as possible and facing the radiator. If it is difficult to extend the hot air directly outside the pipe, it can be led out from the pipe. The air inlet and outlet should be arranged separately at both ends of the unit to avoid short circuits in the airflow and affect the heat dissipation effect.

In cold areas, attention should be paid to the impact of air inlet and exhaust on the temperature of the machine room in order to avoid the low temperature of the machine room affecting the start of the unit. A damper can be installed at the connection between the air outlet and the outdoor area, which is usually in a closed state and can automatically open during the operation of the unit.

3、 Smoke exhaust

The function of the smoke exhaust system is to discharge the exhaust gas from the cylinder to the outside. The exhaust system should minimize back pressure as much as possible, as an increase in exhaust gas resistance will lead to a decrease in diesel engine output and an increase in temperature rise. There are two common ways to lay smoke exhaust pipes: horizontal overhead laying, which has the advantages of fewer turns and less resistance, but the disadvantage is that it increases indoor heat dissipation, causing the temperature of the computer room to rise; The advantage of laying in the trench is that the indoor heat dissipation is small, but the disadvantage is that the smoke exhaust pipe has more turns and relatively high resistance. Horizontal overhead laying is commonly used in high-rise buildings. Smoke exhaust pipes should be led out separately and bends should be minimized as much as possible. Smoke exhaust noise is the strongest among the total noise of the unit, and a silencer should be installed to reduce the noise.

4、 Computer room foundation

The foundation is mainly used to support the entire weight of the diesel generator set and the base. The base is located on the foundation, and the unit is installed on the base. Shock absorption measures are generally taken on the base. In high-rise buildings, high-speed diesel generator sets are generally used. When the set is installed on the floor slab, i.e. not at the bottom layer, heavy concrete foundations should be used. The bottom screws can be pre embedded or installed with an electric drill after the unit arrives.

5、 Machine room grounding

Diesel generator set rooms generally adopt three types of grounding work grounding: generator neutral point grounding, protective grounding, and metal casing grounding of electrical equipment that is not normally charged; Anti static grounding: Grounding of equipment and pipelines in fuel systems. Various grounding devices can be shared with other grounding devices in high-rise buildings, that is, using a joint grounding method.

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