

Comprehensive product and energy solutions

Baiyun City Investment Headquarters Building Project Engineering



As a gathering place for the construction industry headquarters, Baiyun Chengtou Headquarters Building will fully leverage its industry leading advantages, attract upstream and downstream leading enterprises to settle in, form a complete industrial development chain, and create Guangzhou's first construction industry scale aggregation center. This project is undertaken by China Construction Xinjiang Construction Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd., and our company is responsible for the environmental protection construction of the generator room in cooperation with it. Solved the emergency power supply problem in the headquarters building of Baiyun Chengtou Group.

Our company will purchase an 800KW Shangchai power diesel generator set for the Baiyun City Investment Headquarters Building project.

荔波县| 宜宾市| 自治县| 乐东| 裕民县| 峨眉山市| 广水市| 茌平县| 龙游县| 康保县| 韩城市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 淳安县| 通州区| 南康市| 射洪县| 甘孜| 阿拉善右旗| 霞浦县| 巴青县| 漾濞| 广灵县| 林甸县| 邹城市| 临海市| 巴彦淖尔市| 保康县| 怀宁县| 磴口县| 景东| 宜良县| 新化县| 文成县| 锦屏县| 龙州县| 明水县| 潞西市| 太湖县| 临武县| 南投市| 宁化县|