

With years of experience in designing and assembling complete sets of generator sets

Why does a diesel generator set require cooling?


Regardless of size or function, diesel generator sets have one thing in common; They all generate heat. Because most diesel generator sets have many conductors, all conductors generate heat when current flows through them. This heat will quickly accumulate within the system and must be removed appropriately to reduce the risk of damage. If the heat is not properly discharged from the system, the winding will quickly be damaged. There may be many problems, including clearance and balance issues. However, diesel generator sets can significantly reduce heat through various cooling systems.

Air cooling system

After understanding the value of cooling generators, it becomes very important to understand the working principle of the optimal air cooling system. There are two main cooling methods for air-cooled systems:

Firstly, there is an open ventilation system. Here, the air in the atmosphere is used in conjunction with an exhaust system. This allows air to be released back into the atmosphere, which sucks in air and pushes it back into the surrounding area.

The second type is a closed system. As the name suggests, a closed system can maintain air circulation. It can circulate air, and when it does so, the air is cooled, which in turn keeps the generator cool.

The air-cooled system has some limitations, including the risk of overheating. However, air-cooled systems are mostly limited to small backup and portable generators, each generating up to 22 kilowatts of power.

Liquid cooling system

Liquid cooling system, sometimes also known as water cooling system, is another option. There are various types of liquid cooling systems, some use oil, while others use coolant, and hydrogen is another cooling element.

The liquid cooling system is equipped with a water pump that delivers coolant to the surrounding area of the engine through multiple hoses. The heat from the generator is naturally transferred to the coolant, cooling the unit, and this system is particularly suitable for large generators.

A key choice is a hydrogen cooling system. These are also used in large generators, where the hydrogen used has high thermal conductivity, allowing these systems to dissipate heat at a faster rate. Therefore, they are suitable for large systems that cannot be effectively cooled using other coolants.

Guangzhou Saiwei Energy Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the design, production, and installation of generators. Guangzhou Saiwei has many years of experience in engineering design and installation services. For many years, Guangzhou Saiwei has been committed to providing every customer with comprehensive products and energy solutions, including technical consulting, whole machine and generator supply, operation training, etc., with leading technology and first-class quality. The product range covers land diesel generator sets, marine generator sets, high-voltage generator sets, etc., and is widely used in industries such as power, communication, iron towers, healthcare, financial systems, data centers, etc. Welcome to inquire: 13302262088

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